Junior Confirmation
A 2-Year, In-Depth, Weekly Study Of The Christian Faith For Youth
Junior Confirmation is a 2-year, in-depth study of God’s Word, and a summary of the essential teachings of the Christian faith, for youth.
Year One is: “An Introduction To, And Overview Of, The Bible”. We believe that it’s critical for a person to understand the “Big Picture of God’s Word”, in order to truly know how all of the other parts of the Bible fit together in the grand story of our salvation!
Year Two seeks to summarize the “essential teachings” of the Christian faith, and to apply the truths of God’s Word to the life of each student.
This class is designed for youth in the ‘approximate’ age range of 6th-9th grades. The overarching goal of the class is to teach the students not only “What We Believe” as Christians, but, more importantly, “WHY We Believe, What We Believe”. The student is then “Confirmed” in their Christian faith, now having a foundation in place, for a life long learning of God’s Word.
If you are interested in having your child(ren) participate in an Upcoming Junior Confirmation class at Trinity Lutheran Church, please click on the link below for Trinity’s Contact Information. God bless!