Sermons – Audio
Below is our current library of Sermons in Audio version. (Please note: Our library and webpage began in May 2020)

"Help For The Unclean And Dying!"

"God Has A Plan For You!"

"God's Blueprint For Free Salvation!"

"Jesus Is Ultimate Reality!"

"A New River!"

"A New Shepherd!"

"Jesus Walks The Via Dolorosa For Us!"

"Greatness - Jesus Style!!"

"The Cure For Snakebite!"

"Cleaning House!"

"Take Up Your Cross And Follow Me!"

"The Agony And The Ecstacy!"

"The Great Physician Is Here!"

"One Little Word!"

"God Loves Life!"

"Jesus Is In Hot Pursuit Of Sinners!"

"Witnesses To The True Light!"

"Prepare The Way!"

"The Parable Of The Talents!"

"Ready Or Not, Here He Comes!"

"For All The Saints!"

"Abiding In The Justifying Word!"

"One Party's Ending, One Party's Starting!"

"Angels, Demons, And Spiritual Warfare!"


"Jesus' Forgiveness Propels Us To Forgive!"

"Praying Together With Jesus!"

"Complaining To God In Prayer!"

"God's Gift Of Prayer!"

"Persistent Prayer!"

"Attention To Prayer!"

"Prayer - Our Secret Vocation!"

"Calamities Are God's Call To Repent!"


"It Is Not The Healthy Who Need A Doctor, But The Sick!"

"Our Faith In The Triune God!"

"Pentecost! The Church's Grand Opening!"

"Celebrating The Ascension Of Jesus!"

"Our Baptism Is Our Resurrection!"

"The Road Home!"

"Shepherd And Door!"

"Resurrection On The Road To Emmaus!"

"Words And Wounds!"

"The Greatest Comeback Ever!"

"How Can They Call It A Triumphal Entry?"

"I Am The Resurrection And The Life!"

"Here's Mud In Your Eyes!"

"Jesus Is The Spring Of Living Water!"

"Christ Was Hung On A Pole, To Save Us From The Serpent's Bite!"

"Fight'n Words!"

"The Transfiguration Of Jesus!!"

"You Are The Salt Of The Earth And The Light Of The World!"

"Let There Be Light!!"

"Behold! The Lamb Of God!!"

"The Christmas Star!"

"Jesus' Saving Incarnation!"

"Behold! Your God Will Come!"

"The Toppling Temple And The End Of The World!"


"Free In Christ!"

"Persistent Prayer!"

"Gifts, Gifts, And More Gifts!"

"If It Takes A Storm - Hurricane Ian!"

"Rich And Poor, Heaven And Hell!"

"Lion Alert!"

"God's Holy Day!"

"The Troublemaker!"

"A Feast For The Least, From The Host With The Most!"

"Few or Many? That Is The Question!"

"The Long Race Of Faith!"

"It's All Mine!"

"God Is Not A Vending Machine; But He Is A Father!"

"The One Needful Thing Is Jesus!"

"Confessing The Triune God!"

"Come, Holy Spirit!"

"Peace In Jesus"

"Turning Our Sorrow Into Joy"

"The Straying Sheep And The Risen Shepherd"

"The Risen Fisherman And The Great Catch!"

"He Will Swallow Up Death Forever"

"The Stone The Builders Rejected Has Become The Cornerstone!"

"The Run Away, The Loving Daddy, And A Faithful Brother"

"The Proper Response To Suffering? Repent!"

"Outfoxing The Fox!"

"Jesus Defeated The Temptor For Us!

"Love Your Enemies!"

"Blessed By Jesus With True Happiness"

"Net Fishing Versus Bait Fishing"

"Putting Demons In Their Place"

"The Mask Of Virtue!"

"Jesus Is Baptized Into Our Death, And We're Baptized In His Life!"

"Mary's Song - The Magnificat"

"Your Redemption Is Drawing Near!"

"The Final Countdown!"

"Blessed Are The Dead, Who Die In The Lord, From Now On!"


'Riches And Religion!"

'Arise! And Go To Nineveh!"

'Flee, Fight, or Forgive?"

'Will The Real Demon-Tossers Please Stand Up?"

'A Theology Of Glory versus The Theology Of The Cross'

'The No-Excuse Sunday'

'Ephatha! Be Opened!'

'Clean And Unclean Foods!'

'My Flesh Is Real Food And My Blood Is Real Drink!'




'AGAPE - The Deepest Love Of All!'

'Building Your Marriage On The Rock!

'Changing Wash Water In Wedding Wine!'

'What God Has Joined Together, Let Man Never Put Asunder'

'God's Blueprint For A Happy Marriage!'

'Genesis Marriage - Marriage Is God's Gift!'



'Waiting For Round 10!'

'AGAPE - God's Love To Us In Christ!'

'The Vine-Branch Relationship!'

'The Lord Is My Shepherd! I Shall Not Want!'

'Then He Opened Their Minds!'

'Words And Wounds And Doubting Thomas!'

'The Greatest Comeback Ever!'

'Expectations Meet Reality!'

'The Day Jesus Cried!'

'The Cure Looks Like The Disease!'

'Holding Your Brain Captive To God's Word!'

'God Showed Up!'

'Sacrificing Your Only Son!'

'Revealed Glory! Hidden Glory! Coming Glory!'

'The Kingdom Is Breaking In One Miracle At A Time'

'Rubbing Shoulders With Demons And Defeating Them!'

'Jonah And A Whale Of A Story!'

'Before I Formed You In The Womb, I Knew You!'

'Jesus' Baptism Is His Ordination Day!'

'Lost And Found - The 12 Year Old Jesus!'

'Jesus' Gifts For The Who's Down In Whoville!'

'Nothing Is Impossible With God!'

'Jesus Is The Star Of The Show'

God's Voice Crying: 'Prepare The Way Of The Lord'

Cleaning Up The Inside!

The Sheep, And The Goats, And Judgment Day!

The Parable Of The Talents!

The Wise And The Foolish Virgins!

The Bridal Suite In Heaven - All Saints' Day Sermon

One Party Is Ending, Another Party Is Just Beginning!

Kingdom People Produce Kingdom Fruit-LWML Sunday

What Do You Think? Which Son Was The Faithful One?

Jesus Isn't 'Fair' With Salvation; He's 'Gracious' With It!




On This Rock I Will Build My Church

Bulldog Faith In Jesus

Jesus Is Walking On The Water

Jesus Is The Bread Of Life

The Relevance Of Genesis - Creation Series, Part 7

One Race And One Savior - Creation Series, Part 6

Noah's Ark And The Flood - Creation Series, Part 5

Patriotic Sunday - Jesus In A Virus-Plagued World

Why Genesis 1-11 Matters - Creation Series Part 4

God Made The Dinosaurs - Creation Series Part 3

6 Days Versus 20 Billion Years - Creation Series Part 2

In The Beginning God Created - Creation Series Part 1

Pentecost Is The Church's Grand Opening